America's Cup World Series

Case Study
In July 2015, Portsmouth was the host to the UK leg of the America’s Cup World Series. The America’s Cup is the longest running international sporting competition and the most important sailing event in the world. It all started back in 1851 with a race around the Isle of Wight and has been running ever since. The identilam team were delighted to be contracted to provide the badging and accreditation for all contractors, exhibitors, media, volunteers, sailing teams and event staff.
For the event, identilam produced over 3,000 laminated passes in advance and also provided our Badge&Print software. Enabling the organisers to print any last minute sport id badges at the on-site accreditation office for people who hadn’t pre-registered or required a change of details.
It was important that the organisers could control access to the various zones within the venue such as the Racing Village Area, Great Waterfront Festival Site and Fanzone. This was achieved using our feature-rich design tools in the software, which printed appropriate colour blocks depending on the level of accreditation.
As well as the badging, we also provided bespoke lanyards branded with the event name and logo to enable to passes to be worn and displayed.
This was a fantastic event to work on and we were delighted to be invited to play a small part in it.